Monday, September 21, 2015

Nice little bounce for the grain markets

Nice little bounce the markets had today.  Big question is why?  Wall street just decide to buy everything today?  Including the commodities and the grains?

Wheat had a rather sharp bounce when the markets opened up this a.m. after being lower in the overnight session.

Some charts have moved up near areas where we could struggle; but a break of resistance could open up the upside potential in a hurry too. 


Monday, January 26, 2015

Marketing Meeting - Kevin Van Trump Speaking

Here is link to our recent marketing meeting where we had Kevin Van Trump from Farm Direction speaking.  Also speaking where Walt Wendland from the proposed ethanol plant in Sully County (Ring'Neck Energy and Feed) and Kent Beadle from Russel Consulting.

Kevin Van Trump's presentation opens and goes for about 37 minutes, next up is Kent Beadle, and last is The Ring'Neck presentation which starts at about 1:25.

We did have some technical difficulties so we don't have all of the meeting recorded.


Friday, January 23, 2015