Friday, January 27, 2012

MWC Marketing Hour Round Table Update

As you know we have our weekly marketing meetings every Wed in Onida.  It is open to anyone who would like to attend; we go threw charts, talk about fundamentals for our grain markets, and lastly do some mock trading.  Since the start of Sept our Mock trading particpates have book about $109,671 in profits.  Which is rather impressive considering the fact that most of the trades are 1 lots and most particpates make 1 trade a week if any.

We do alot of various trades; below you will find our open trades.  The first section is the futures trades and the second section is the option trades.  You will notice that do have alot of ratio type spread plays in the open options; which has helped in some of the above mock profits.

Please note that in the comment section you will find risk reward parameters for many of the trades as well as the person you have the open trade.  We try and update and adjust every week.

Here are the Future Trades

Long # of Futures   Futures Price Position Profits (Losses)  
or Short Contracts Symbol Price Last Delta (bu) Actual Comment
LONG 1.00 SN2 1229.750 1241.750  5,000  $600 JORDAN
SHORT 1.00 SX2 1214.000 1221.750  (5,000)  ($388) JORDAN
LONG 1.00 WH2 656.250 653.500  5,000  ($138) jordan
SHORT 1.00 CH2 649.500 634.500  (5,000)  $750 jordan - order for 2 at even money; 1 at 7 cent wheat prem
LONG 2.00 WH2 603.000 653.500  10,000  $5,050  
SHORT 2.00 CH2 603.000 634.500  (10,000)  ($3,150)  
LONG 1.00 WH2 659.000 653.500  5,000  ($275) KEVIN
SHORT 1.00 CH2 656.000 634.500  (5,000)  $1,075 KEVIN - RISK 2500
LONG 1.00 MWH2 876.000 823.250  5,000  ($2,638) kevin - stop $2000
SHORT 1.00 MWN2 830.250 795.250  (5,000)  $1,750 kevin
SHORT 1.00 WH2 614.000 653.500  (5,000)  ($1,975) kevin
LONG 1.00 WZ2 680.000 711.000  5,000  $1,550 kevin
LONG 1.00 WH2 614.000 653.500  5,000  $1,975 jordan
SHORT 1.00 CH2 608.000 634.500  (5,000)  ($1,325) jordan
LONG 1.00 KWN2 671.750 724.500  5,000  $2,638 kevin risk 1500
SHORT 1.00 KWZ2 709.000 754.500  (5,000)  ($2,275) kevin
LONG 1.00 MWH2 800.000 835.750  5,000  $1,788 dan - RISK 8.09 obj 8.44 1/2
SHORT 1.00 KWH2 697.000 709.000  (5,000)  ($600) DAN - RISK 7.05; OBJ 6.50
SHORT 1.00 WH2 641.250 653.500  (5,000)  ($613) MIKE AH - RISK 10 - OBJ 40 CENTS
SHORT 2.00 KWH2 697.000 709.000  (10,000)  ($1,200) KEVIN RISK 7.00 ; OBJ 6.82
LONG 1.00 MWH2 813.000 835.750  5,000  $1,138 KEVIN - ADD 2 AT 8.05; OBJ 8.30; LONG 4 7.95; RISK 7.90

Here are the Option Trades - 

Long # of Option   Option Price Notional   Position Equivalent Profits (Losses) Days to Expiration Expiration
or Short Contracts Symbol Price Last Position (bu) Delta Delta (bu) Gamma (bu) Theta / Day Vega Actual Actual Date
SHORT 1.00 SX1300C 49.000 65.000  (5,000) (0.41)  (2,038)  (8)  $8  ($201)  ($800) 273 26-Oct-2012 jeremey
SHORT 2.00 SX1500C 31.250 25.875  (10,000) (0.19)  (1,943)  (10)  $13  ($292)  $538 273 26-Oct-2012  
SHORT 1.00 SX1000P 37.000 16.250  5,000 0.13  629  (4)  $4  ($111)  $1,038 273 26-Oct-2012  
SHORT 1.00 SX1200P 99.500 82.500  5,000 0.42  2,077  (8)  $8  ($202)  $850 273 26-Oct-2012  
LONG 1.00 WH660C 47.750 22.000  5,000 0.48  2,384  32  ($22)  $36  ($1,288) 28 24-Feb-2012 jeremey
SHORT 1.00 WH730C 24.000 4.125  (5,000) (0.14)  (675)  (17)  $12  ($20)  $994 28 24-Feb-2012
SHORT 1.00 WH600P 22.125 5.250  5,000 0.16  806  (20)  $13  ($22)  $844 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 1.00 WH730C 0.750 4.125  5,000 0.14  675  17  ($12)  $20  $169 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 1.00 CH600C 38.500 45.000  5,000 0.73  3,650  26  ($18)  $29  $325 28 24-Feb-2012 jordan
SHORT 2.00 CH700C 9.375 5.000  (10,000) (0.16)  (1,628)  (41)  $27  ($44)  $438 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CH700C 8.125 5.000  (5,000) (0.16)  (814)  (20)  $13  ($22)  $156 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CH575P 23.000 2.750  5,000 0.11  533  (17)  $8  ($17)  $1,013 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 10.00 CH500P 4.500 0.125  50,000 0.01  306  (14)  $9  ($17)  $2,188 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CH550C 56.625 85.375  (5,000) (0.93)  (4,626)  (6)  $6  ($11)  ($1,438) 28 24-Feb-2012  
LONG 1.00 CH650C 13.000 16.500  5,000 0.41  2,064  33  ($20)  $34  $175 28 24-Feb-2012  
LONG 10.00 CH500P 4.250 0.125  (50,000) (0.01)  (306)  14  ($9)  $17  ($2,063) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CH550C 47.250 85.375  (5,000) (0.93)  (4,626)  (6)  $6  ($11)  ($1,906) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 2.00 CH620P 45.375 11.250  10,000 0.36  3,569  (83)  $30  ($66)  $3,413 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 2.00 CH620C 19.875 31.500  (10,000) (0.61)  (6,130)  (63)  $41  ($67)  ($1,163) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 5.00 CH650C 15.750 16.500  (25,000) (0.41)  (10,320)  (167)  $101  ($171)  ($188) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 7.00 CH580P 19.000 2.500  35,000 0.11  3,735  (134)  $54  ($116)  $5,775 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 2.00 CH600P 23.750 6.500  10,000 0.22  2,220  (60)  $26  ($53)  $1,725 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 4.00 CH660P 46.250 34.250  20,000 0.69  13,789  (151)  $58  ($124)  $2,400 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 3.00 CH680P 45.875 53.000  15,000 0.76  11,396  (79)  $47  ($82)  ($1,069) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 5.00 CH680C 18.375 8.000  (25,000) (0.24)  (6,026)  (133)  $82  ($138)  $2,594 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 7.00 CH600P 10.250 6.500  35,000 0.22  7,771  (211)  $91  ($185)  $1,313 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 5.00 CH610C 18.500 41.500  (25,000) (0.66)  (16,415)  (128)  $115  ($161)  ($5,750) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 8.00 CH590C 20.000 54.000  (40,000) (0.77)  (30,604)  (175)  $146  ($215)  ($13,600) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 9.00 CH600C 28.625 45.000  (45,000) (0.73)  (32,852)  (235)  $163  ($261)  ($7,369) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 7.00 CH630C 15.375 25.250  (35,000) (0.55)  (19,167)  (238)  $143  ($243)  ($3,456) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 13.00 CH605P 18.375 6.750  65,000 0.24  15,711  (441)  $165  ($359)  $7,556 28 24-Feb-2012  
LONG 10.00 CH500P 0.125 0.125  (50,000) (0.01)  (306)  14  ($9)  $17 $0 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 10.00 CH610P 12.375 9.500  50,000 0.29  14,624  (344)  $152  ($303)  $1,438 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 10.00 CH620P 19.875 11.250  50,000 0.36  17,847  (415)  $149  ($328)  $4,313 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 10.00 CH630P 20.625 14.500  50,000 0.44  22,143  (468)  $148  ($346)  $3,063 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 8.00 CH635P 21.125 21.125  40,000 0.49  19,438  (302)  $150  ($279) $0 28 24-Feb-2012  
LONG 1.00 CH700C 9.375 5.000  5,000 0.16  814  20  ($13)  $22  ($219) 28 24-Feb-2012 jeremey
SHORT 1.00 CH600P 32.750 6.500  5,000 0.22  1,110  (30)  $13  ($26)  $1,313 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 1.00 CH550P 14.000 0.625  (5,000) (0.03)  (157)  7  ($3)  $7  ($669) 28 24-Feb-2012
SHORT 1.00 CK620P 46.500 24.000  5,000 0.38  1,884  (22)  $9  ($58)  $1,125 84 20-Apr-2012 kevin
LONG 2.00 CK560P 20.375 7.750  (10,000) (0.15)  (1,537)  26  ($13)  $74  ($1,263) 84 20-Apr-2012  
SHORT 2.00 CH570P 21.000 2.250  10,000 0.09  897  (31)  $15  ($29)  $1,875 28 24-Feb-2012 scott
LONG 2.00 CH600C 28.000 45.000  10,000 0.73  7,301  52  ($36)  $58  $1,700 28 24-Feb-2012
SHORT 2.00 CH650C 19.000 16.500  (10,000) (0.41)  (4,128)  (67)  $41  ($68)  $250 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 2.00 CH570P 13.000 2.250  (10,000) (0.09)  (897)  31  ($15)  $29  ($1,075) 28 24-Feb-2012
SHORT 2.00 CH700C 16.875 5.000  (10,000) (0.16)  (1,628)  (41)  $27  ($44)  $1,188 28 24-Feb-2012
SHORT 1.00 CN650C 33.000 50.000  (5,000) (0.52)  (2,582)  (15)  $9  ($80)  ($850) 147 22-Jun-2012 van
SHORT 1.00 CN600P 28.500 26.500  5,000 0.31  1,565  (15)  $7  ($72)  $100 147 22-Jun-2012  
LONG 6.00 CH500P 5.375 0.125  (30,000) (0.01)  (184)  8  ($5)  $10  ($1,575) 28 24-Feb-2012  
LONG 1.00 CH540C 54.125 95.125  5,000 0.93  4,642  4  ($6)  $11  $2,050 28 24-Feb-2012 kevin
SHORT 2.00 CH580C 30.125 57.875  (10,000) (0.86)  (8,630)  (37)  $20  ($38)  ($2,775) 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 1.00 CH660C 7.500 13.250  5,000 0.35  1,757  32  ($20)  $33  $288 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 1.00 CH620C 9.125 31.500  5,000 0.61  3,065  32  ($20)  $34  $1,119 28 24-Feb-2012
SHORT 1.00 WN600C 66.876 94.875  (5,000) (0.78)  (3,882)  (12)  $6  ($62)  ($1,400) 147 22-Jun-2012 jeremey
SHORT 1.00 WN600P 51.875 23.875  5,000 0.24  1,216  (11)  $8  ($67)  $1,400 147 22-Jun-2012  
SHORT 1.00 WN600P 37.375 23.875  5,000 0.24  1,216  (11)  $8  ($67)  $675 147 22-Jun-2012  
SHORT 1.00 WN800C 21.000 18.000  (5,000) (0.24)  (1,205)  (11)  $7  ($67)  $150 147 22-Jun-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CN640P 60.625 47.500  5,000 0.44  2,217  (16)  $8  ($80)  $656 147 22-Jun-2012 jeremey
LONG 1.00 CN590P 35.500 24.750  (5,000) (0.29)  (1,436)  14  ($7)  $69  ($538) 147 22-Jun-2012
LONG 1.00 CN670C 41.250 39.125  5,000 0.45  2,264  15  ($8)  $80  ($106) 147 22-Jun-2012
SHORT 1.00 CN780C 16.375 13.500  (5,000) (0.20)  (1,000)  (11)  $6  ($58)  $144 147 22-Jun-2012
SHORT 1.00 SN1220C 82.000 81.500  (5,000) (0.57)  (2,850)  (11)  $11  ($152)  $25 147 22-Jun-2012 jeremey
SHORT 1.00 SN1100P 26.000 18.125  5,000 0.18  881  (7)  $8  ($103)  $394 147 22-Jun-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CN750C 24.000 18.000  (5,000) (0.25)  (1,266)  (12)  $7  ($65)  $300 147 22-Jun-2012 scott
SHORT 26.00 CN800C 6.000 11.125  (130,000) (0.17)  (22,124)  (246)  $147  ($1,359)  ($6,663) 147 22-Jun-2012 jordan
LONG 10.00 CH590P 16.500 4.875  (50,000) (0.17)  (8,589)  247  ($116)  $227  ($5,813) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 1.00 MWH800C 27.750 40.750  (5,000) (0.80)  (3,985)  (30)  $11  ($33)  ($650) 28 24-Feb-2012 kevin
LONG 3.00 MWH860C 9.000 14.500  15,000 0.36  5,414  92  ($62)  $130  $825 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 10.00 MWH1000C 0.375 0.875  50,000 0.03  1,498  44  ($46)  $83  $250 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 15.00 CH650C 4.000 16.500  75,000 0.41  30,961  501  ($304)  $513  $9,375 28 24-Feb-2012 jeremey
SHORT 8.00 CH650C 14.875 16.500  (40,000) (0.41)  (16,512)  (267)  $162  ($273)  ($650) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 7.00 CH700C 4.625 5.000  (35,000) (0.16)  (5,699)  (143)  $93  ($153)  ($131) 28 24-Feb-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CN650C 28.625 50.000  (5,000) (0.52)  (2,582)  (15)  $9  ($80)  ($1,069) 147 22-Jun-2012 jeremey
SHORT 1.00 CN600P 43.000 26.500  5,000 0.31  1,565  (15)  $7  ($72)  $825 147 22-Jun-2012
SHORT 1.00 CN720C 24.125 24.125  (5,000) (0.32)  (1,592)  (14)  $8  ($73) $0 147 22-Jun-2012 van
LONG 1.00 CN640P 47.500 47.500  (5,000) (0.44)  (2,217)  16  ($8)  $80 $0 147 22-Jun-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CN580P 21.275 21.375  5,000 0.26  1,290  (13)  $7  ($66)  ($5) 147 22-Jun-2012  
SHORT 1.00 CK700C 15.750 17.000  (5,000) (0.30)  (1,497)  (18)  $10  ($53)  ($63) 84 20-Apr-2012 jordan
LONG 1.00 CH620P 13.875 11.250  (5,000) (0.36)  (1,785)  42  ($15)  $33  ($131) 28 24-Feb-2012
LONG 7.00 CH600P 7.000 6.500  (35,000) (0.22)  (7,771)  211  ($91)  $185  ($175) 28 24-Feb-2012 jeremey
SHORT 1.00 CN640P 42.250 47.500  5,000 0.44  2,217  (16)  $8  ($80)  ($263) 147 22-Jun-2012  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Farm Direction Forward - Opening Grain Market Comments soft outside markets

Below are opening comments as well as a forward from Kevin Van Trump who will be one of the speakers for next week’s grain marketing workshop that we are sponsoring in Pierre on Feb 2nd at the Ramkota at 10:00 a.m.; Ed Usset will be the other presenter.  Please give us a call or shoot us an email to RSVP for what should be a great time.

Markets are called mixed to supportive this a.m. behind a firmer overnight session; outside markets are a little weak and most calls are slightly below where we left off the overnight session at.

In the overnight session we saw corn up 3 on the old crop while new crop was off 2, beans unchanged to down a couple,  MPLS wheat was 4 higher, KC wheat was up 3, and CBOT wheat was up 5.  At 9:00 outside markets have crude down a little over a dollar a barrel, equities are weaker with the DOW down 82 points, and the US dollar is firmer up 379 on the cash index at 80.247.

Not much for new news out this a.m.  The rumors